Body Acne: 5 Tips To Get Rid Of Them…

Body acne is an issue for many people. However, there are things you might do to get rid of them once and for all. Ready?

Acne is projected to affect 9.4 % of the global population, ranking it eighth among skin diseases. Acne affects more than 85 % of teenagers, and the disease can persist into adulthood which often occurs in females and accounts for two-thirds of dermatologist consultations for acne [4]. The unique lesions can be characterised as either non-inflammatory (open/black and closed/white comedones) or inflammatory (papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts), leading to scar development and pigmentation on the skin, necessitating prolonged and persistent therapy [5]. Typically, lesions are observed on the face, neck, upper back, and chest. There are several forms of acne, such as neonatal and infantile acne, occupational acne, acne conglobata, acne fulminans, acne mechanica, excoriated acne, chloracne, and acne induced by drugs (caused, for example, by anabolic steroids, corticosteroids, isoniazid, lithium, and phenytoin). These variations resemble acne vulgaris clinically and histologically, but the clinical situation, severity can distinguish them, and accompanying symptoms [6]. Acne can’t be stopped from occurring or cured, but it can be treated quite successfully. Moreover, acne is also connected with significant financial expenses.